Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learned in the progression from it to the full product?
By completing the preliminary task, it has aided us with learning how to effectively use high quality equipment and different editing techniques. This included the knowledge of the 180 degrees rule which we had in mind when filming dialogue scenes between two characters. We also used premier pro to edit our preliminary task so when it came to our final product we already had a basic understanding of the software such as, cutting, inserting shots and extending duration of shots. We used in our final product, a wide range of camera work techniques. An example of this would be how we included match on action during the dialogue scene between the couple. The camera would be on the wife for example whilst she is talking or asking a question, then would cut to the male for his reply.
The filming process did, take a lot longer than expected for our group as we decided to re film, edit and repeat many times. This is due to us noticing things during editing whether that be mistakes or opportunities for improvement causing us to go back to the location and re filming. Although this was time consuming, it allowed us to constantly improve our final production. Due to the amount of times we have re filmed and edited, our production as improved drastically from the first edit to where it is now.
Overall, the preliminary task assisted us a great deal knowledge when it came to how the equipment is used and how the editing software can help us achieve a high standard production.