Title: 24 Hours
Genre: Crime
Format: Film
Running Time: 2 minutes 31 seconds
This narrative is based around a family of wealth whose business is soon to be jeopardized by a close family member later exposed to be the brother ‘Jack’ who has been extremely jealous of the family’s success. As well as demanding for their money, he plans a revenge that causes Bruce who is a main protagonist, to choose between his wife Naomi and the family business. Bruce must face a life changing decision in attempt to save both his family and company without causing harm to his brother.
Beginning opening sequence: The opening scene of the film starts with non-diegetic sound of a kettle boiling which then slowly turns diegetic. As the kettle boils, the toast pops up as the scene is set in a well-lit modern kitchen, which relates to the conventions of the crime genre due to the modern settings. The sounds of the kettle and toaster increasing are effective in emphasising a sense of inevitable tension and danger that might happen later on. The audience are then introduced to the two main protagonists having a small conversation about family arrangements along with tea and toast very early in the morning before work. Due to viewing a normal family routine, this forms the equilibrium of the opening sequence.
Middle: When the husband leaves for work, there are a number of jump cuts back and forth from Naomi cleaning at home to Bruce being in the car having a conversation with his assistant. When we meet the husband’s assistant, we get the sense that the two have a close relationship as she voices his plan for the day. As the tense music continues playing, there is a sudden jump cut to Naomi picking the phone to a mysterious phone call. The muffled voice of a man starts to speak as a voiceover demanding for their money along with making threats.
End: The voiceover of the man’s voice plays as the shot cuts to two murderers at the doorway of the kitchen in the house wearing dark clothing to connote mystery and anonymity due to being unidentified. The scene then continues with the voiceover during the scary actions of the two murderers kidnapping Naomi. To portray the full effect, there are short flash effects in-between to depict urgency. This build up leads to the sequence ending with a plain black screen with ’24 HOURS’ to indicate the time given by the unknown caller.
Character Profiles:
Bruce: Father of the family, successful business owner who is very protective of his family and business. Due to his success, his family are in the public eye and are well known. He is very well groomed and wears mainly business suits for his job. He has a lot of respect for his family and their reputation but is also surprisingly secretive.
Naomi: Bruce’s wife (housewife) who spends most of her time at the home. She puts effort into her appearance even at home and has a huge amount of love and respect for Bruce.
Skyler: Bruce and Naomi’s daughter who is a teenager that hardly spends time at home.
Camera shots/Editing/Movements:
· Low angle shot of Naomi picking up the phone
· Flashing effect during the kidnapping of Naomi along with the voiceover
· Zoom in on the phone when it’s ringing
· Exterior shooting
· Point of view shots during action
· Music- tension music
· Mute shots
Key Scenes
· Naomi on the phone
The establishing shot of the kitchen was filmed with the natural light coming through the window to portray a homely feeling and to also reveal the safety of the household. The natural lighting is also used to effectively show the wealth of the family with the modern colours and design of the kitchen. During the establishing shot of the kitchen, a panning shot is used to follow the movement of Naomi as she walks over to get the phone that is ringing. This is used to create suspense along with creating enigma as it causes the audience to wonder what will happen next. There is going to be a jump cut to Naomi picking up the phone with a low angle shot looking up to Naomi which acts as a spy shot to show that all this time she hasn’t necessarily been alone in her house and to also build up tension. In this scene, Todorov’s Equilibrium theory becomes present, as this is when the disequilibrium is being introduced, as a non-diegetic sound of the unknown caller is included in the call to also create tension. This is when Uses and Gratification theory is going to be considered as with this scene as we attempt to make the narrative entertaining for the audience. During this scene, slow tension music was used to build up tension and suspense along with creating the effect of fear for Naomi which links to the genre of crime.
· Conversation in the car between Bruce and his secretary
The establishing shot of the car and the area the family live in was filmed with the natural lighting to represent the time of day along with the beginning of a working day. A long shot of Bruce opening the door and getting into the car was filmed along with a jump cut to him sitting next to his secretary having a small conversation. Here diegetic dialogue of the conversation is present so the audience can engage with the conversation and what the characters are saying. Along with this, there was also the same non- diegetic sound of the continuous tense music in the background of the conversation however, it is at a lower pitch compared to the diegetic voices of the conversation which is effective in grabbing the audience’s attention to the main situation. To create suspense, a secretive, flirty conversation was filmed between Bruce and his secretary to effectively portray Bruce’s dishonest and untrustworthy personality as he says, ‘Do you want to come with me to Luigi’s?’. A mid shot and two shot is used to film this conversation to allow the audience to witness the shocked reaction of the secretary along with the effect of having two people in one shot to make it clear that these are the only characters involved in the scene.
· Kidnapping scene with fast pace- Naomi being attacked by two unidentified murderers
Two shot was used to introduce the two unidentified murderers which creates tension and enigma that something bad is going to happen. A tracking shot is then used to follow the actions of the two murderers as they chase after Naomi in her kitchen and violently throw her to the floor which leaves her unconscious. An editing technique of flashing effects is also used along with the diegetic sounds of screaming and non-diegetic sound of tense music with a voiceover to build up the consequences that Naomi will face which also emphasises the trouble she is in. The two murderers both wear dark clothing to further convey their dangerous positions in contrast with the lighter clothes of Naomi to express her being innocent and the victim.
Certification/Target Audience
This film will be rated a 15 due to the violence and storyline. Its target audience would be young people who can emotionally connect with the characters. Also due to the up to date tense music, it is a very modern production, which will therefore entertain older teenagers and young adults.